Introducing #ItStartsWithYou: Mulika Hongo

Mulika Hongo is here! What’s your role as a citizen towards eliminating corruption in Kenya? Promoting and facilitating citizen participation in reducing crime. By SMS, you can now report any government official asking/demanding for a bribe to perform their duties and any government official receiving a bribe in order to look the other way when an […]
Mulika Kenya Initiative Features

Peace panel to tackle strife in Kisumu, Nandi – The Star Security stakeholders from Nandi and Kisumu counties have formed a joint peace monitoring committee to find a permanent solution to border conflict. Members of the committee include security agencies, youth, religious leaders, women and elders. The committee was launched in Nakuru town yesterday after […]
We Are Now Countrywide. #MulikaKenya

An ambitious text based policing portal that enables whistleblowers to inform security agencies of brewing dens and any crime as it occurs has now gone national. The community based crime monitoring and reporting system ‘Mulika Uhalifu’ is now in use in Nakuru and Nandi counties where it has shown a positive response from security […]
Mulika Uhalifu Initiative as Featured By The Media
Hivisasa Feature ‘Mulika Uhalifu’ launched in Nakuru ‘Mulika Uhalifu’, a crime monitoring and reporting system, was launched on Wednesday, Nakuru county by the county’s security committee. It was developed by Grace Wanjohi, founder of Mulika initiative and is expected to improve security responses in the county. Joshua Nkanatha the county commissioner said the system will aid […]